Project Summary EN

7 Formation of Local Working Groups (LWGs) In keeping with the ethos of involving the target group in all elements of the Project, working groups were created in each partner country andmet periodically during the delivery of activities. Made up of at least 6 members representing either migrant women or migrant support organisations, the function of the LWGs has been to ensure that: • the bottom-up philosophy of the Project was adhered to; • development actions responded to the needs of migrant women in each local setting; • the tools and resources developed were fit for purpose; and • a cohort of stakeholders in each partner country could act as ‘champions’ for the Project amongst their peer group. LWG members would participate in, and provide feedback on, each of the key project deliverables set out below. National Research and Needs Analysis The research took place during the first 4 months of Project delivery involving 64 migrant women from 35 countries, providing a ‘state-of-the-art’ and acting as the baseline upon which resources would be based. The scope of the research at a national level included: • A desk review of literature on existing national migrant integration measures to identify good practice and ‘lessons learned’ in the design and implementation of initiatives; • Conduct an in-depth needs analysis with migrant women to identify their specific training needs that the bespoke curriculum would need to address; • Conduct primary research with educators within migrant support agencies to determine the train-the-trainer needs to be addressed when implementing the curriculum; and • A desk review to identify innovative social and civic inclusion methodologies that use educational, cultural and recreational activities as embedded learning techniques.